Robert Carter

Had a week in The Gambia (23rd March to 30th March 2019) and was guided by Ansu for four and a half days. One day locally around Kotu bridge area, a 2 day overnight stay at Tendaba Camp, a coastal day trip to Marakissa and a half day at Abuko and Lamin Lodge. I had previously been to East Africa so was looking to find Western Africa specialities. Ansu was brilliant throughout the trip and I can thoroughly recommend him as a guide as he has a great deal of local knowledge and knows the birds inside out! Couldn’t be faulted. One bird that I have failed to see on previous trips is the White Backed Night Heron. We didn’t see it at Tendaba where it was most likely and we tried again at Marakissa with no luck. I had given up on seeing it but Ansu hadn’t! He arranged a special trip for me on my last day at Lamin Lodge and finally got great views! In total I managed 212 species with 40 new birds for me . Highlights were African Wood Owl, Batleur, White Backed Night Heron, Violet Turaco, Green Turaco, sported Honeyguide, Abyssinian Ground Hornbill, Long Tailed Nightjar plus many more. If you visit Gambia don’t hesitate to book a trip with Ansu (or “The Professor “ as he is more commonly known!!)